Projekt 2018-1-BG01-KA201-047972 „Innovative model for prevention of drug addiction for students”, Erasmus+

Projekt 2018-1-BG01-KA201-047972 „Innovative model for prevention of drug addiction for students”, Erasmus+

Erasmus + 2018
Strategic partnership for school education, Innovation
Project duration: 12 months (10.10.2018 – 09.10.2019).
The project is with leading organization “Follow me”, which is a non-governmental organization, the natural sequel of the informal youth group “Club for support”. The club’s activities included participation in charity initiatives, environmental activities and trainings in socially relevant topics. The club itself was founded in 2012 in Dobrich and since then in its development a project for ecological education for minority children was implemented. Association „Follow Me“ was registered in 2018, the main activities being environmental protection, regional development, human resources, social activities, youth development and psychology.
Project 2018-1-BG01-KA201-047972 „Innovative Model for Prevention of Drug Addiction for Students“ aims at presenting new knowledge and techniques for tackling the addictions among youth. Also, it aims at providing a tool to prevent the onset of addiction and engage students in social inclusion activities.
The partner organizations for this project are ANTELENEA LIMITED, based in Cyprus and the Greek Bulgarian Association for Culture Paisii Hilendarski, based in Athens, Greece. This partnership will provide the exchange of experience, knowledge and good practices in the field of drug addiction prevention.
The aims of project are:
  • Social dialogue;
  • Prevention of drug addictions;
  • Social responsibility;
  • Inclusion of young people;
  • Exchange of good practices in Cyprus and Greece;
  • Supporting schools to tackle early school leaving (ESL).
Planning activities:
  1. Project management and implementation.
  2. Transitional meetings – the meetings planned are one in each partner country (Bulgaria, Greece and Cyprus).
  3. Intellectual output – there is an intellectual output with the title:
– 1 Handbook for prevention of drug addiction for students.
The target group of the project is the specialists in the field of education and youth activities, as well as the pilot group of 30 students.
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