Project: Prevention of Youth Risky Viral Trends 2022-1-BG01-KA220-YOU-000085174, Erasmus+
Acronym PRV . Field Youth
Project start 01/11/2022
Project end 31/10/2025
Applicant organisation – E10120616 Association „Follow me“ Dobrich
Partner organisations:
E10007286 Akademie für politische Bildung und demokratiefördernd e Maßnahmen Austria Oberösterreich Linz
E10197262 UNIVERZITET MAJKA TEREZA VO SKOPJE The Republic of North Macedonia SKOPJE
E10285278 URBAN FORUM ASSOCIATION Poland Małopolskie Kraków
Priorities and Topics
- Addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity
- Increasing quality, innovation and recognition of youth work
- Promoting active citizenship, young people’s sense of initiative and youth entrepreneurship including social
- Entrepreneurship
The needs that we want to address by implementing the project are:
- the need to improve/update the skills, knowledge, and competencies of youth workers for the prevention of risks associated with the use of social networks (including cyberbullying, following dangerous viral trends on TikTok such as the milk crate challenge, blackout challenge, etc.; fake news/ disinformation; Internet addiction, dangerous encounters with strangers, stealing of personal and financial data, lack of contact face to face and interpersonal skills, social isolation and decreased mental wellbeing, in terms of generalized anxiety, social anxiety, and depression, etc.);
- the need for learning and applying innovative methods, instruments, and practices in the field of digital safety;
- the need to develop high-quality skills of youth workers to promote media literacy, social inclusion, youth entrepreneurship, democracy, active citizenship, and non-violent communication;
- the need to increase awareness of social networking risks and improve the prevention of dangerous encounters on the Internet;
- the need to improve the quality and image of youth work.
Youth workers need updated skills at the European level on how to teach youth to prevent social network risks (incl. cyberbullying, spreading and believing disinformation, and fake news, for example regarding COVID-19 and vaccination) and develop critical thinking to make informed decisions about their behavior online and not expose themselves to danger. Watching videos of people doing risky social media challenges and you might notice a trend: Most of the participants are kids, teens, and young adults. While part of it can be chalked up to the younger demographics of social media users, there are also psychological and physiological explanations for many teens’ willingness to try dangerous dares. For one, that desire to feel part of a group is especially strong during adolescence. Children and teens are most susceptible to these dangerous challenges because of the need for belonging. In our early teens and adolescent years, we are striving to be accepted by peers.
The target groups of the project are:
- Youth workers, youth leaders,
- Youth
- Social workers, and other specialists working directly with youth
WP1 Project management
WP2 Development of results:
1) Research on the current methods for preventing risks in social networks
2) Methodology for risk prevention in social networks
3) Handbook for youth workers working in the field of digital safety including relevant tips, tools, and programs on how to implement the Methodology content
WP3 Trainings for youth workers and youth:
- Preparation for the Training for Trainers
- International Training for trainers aimed at improving the digital competencies of youth workers, skills for promoting media literacy, social inclusion, entrepreneurship, and active citizenship of youth
- Training for youth- implemented by youth workers who have attended the International training who will conduct it in their respective countries with young people attending each
- selecting participants/youth workers for the Training of trainers regardless of their race, gender, sex, ethnic background, religious beliefs, disability, etc to ensure that there is no discrimination based on these characteristics;
- ensuring that the selection process will include sending a CV and a cover letter, describing the person’s willingness and how they envision the training itself, sharing their experience and skills in working with youth. If they are approved after careful examination of the documents, an interview will be held by a Committee without conflict of interest. For us, it is vital to choose motivated and experienced experts with a sufficient background in youth work
WP4 Dissemination events
- Multiplier Event FM
- Virtual Event 1 Akademie Austria
- Virtual Event 2 LP University
- Virtual Event 3 UF Полша
- Project Web and FB page
- Printing and sharing products
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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.